Step 1. Put four heaped tablespoons of yogurt into the large bowl. Add a teaspoon of baking soda and a pinch of salt:
Step 2: Start adding whole wheat flour, a tablespoon at a time, while stirring everything together. Add a tablespoon of flour and stir, repeat. You will know that the dough is ready when it is not taking in the flour as easily as it did in the beginning. I usually knead it by hand at the very end.
Here's what the finished dough looks like:
At this point you can use the dough immediately or let it sit in the refrigerator, covered with a kitchen towel, or even freeze it. Enjoy!
I made my own sourdough starter by collecting wild organisms from the air, water and flour. It took about 7 days to get going good and was pretty darn sour at first, but it has mellowed beautifully over the months and I can use about any flour and it will rise fairly well. I get a kick out of having to feed the little creatures in the fridge once a week, the grandkids think it's cool! LOL!