Sunday, June 12, 2011

No yeast, no sugar dough

This type of dough is also called unleavened dough. We do not use refined sugar in our home, so the unleavened dough is the perfect answer. I mostly use it as a pizza dough. It is very simple to make it:

Step 1. Put four heaped tablespoons of yogurt into the large bowl. Add a teaspoon of baking soda and a pinch of salt:

Step 2: Start adding whole wheat flour, a tablespoon at a time, while stirring everything together. Add a tablespoon of flour and stir, repeat. You will know that the dough is ready when it is not taking in the flour as easily as it did in the beginning. I usually knead it by hand at the very end.
Here's what the finished dough looks like:

At this point you can use the dough immediately or let it sit in the refrigerator, covered with a kitchen towel, or even freeze it. Enjoy!

1 comment:

  1. I made my own sourdough starter by collecting wild organisms from the air, water and flour. It took about 7 days to get going good and was pretty darn sour at first, but it has mellowed beautifully over the months and I can use about any flour and it will rise fairly well. I get a kick out of having to feed the little creatures in the fridge once a week, the grandkids think it's cool! LOL!
